Welcome to my blog!

You may move the clouds around, or simply stare at the shocked apple.
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wow.... Long time no post.

Feeling super dee duper high now....

Yesterday was super fun..... Went to Keisha's house to "study" but ended up doing things like play geo challenge and pet society. Hahaha. Keisha Ong you will forever be remembered as the one who thought China flag was the Japan flag. Your geography simply rocks socks!!!!!!!!!! I learnt new words that day too.... thanks to Anmol! Like yuberculosis and yellowcab. Super fun!!!!!

Then there was the debate which MGS won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was kinda obvious who would win as ACS just put up a poor show..... -.-" so boring to hear them debate but so interesting to hear them get thrashed by MG debaters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoooooooooooooooooo! Our seniors rock!!!!!!!!!!

2:40 PM

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Looks like time flies even when you are not having fun...

Trip to the golf couse was a disaster. The ball just rolled.... I couln't bring myself to submit the scorecard.

Then there was... poetry slam.... yucks. The class was right. it was bad. Churning out good poems in 2 minutes is not suited for me. I like to sit, think write, redo,redo,redo and finally I get a product. However 2 minutes is not enough so I only got to step 2. Eddie's poems were good though....I liked them and thats saying something. I don't really like poems.

Isabel Chu, where has the watering thing gone??? It was missing when it was our turn to water ferns.... so sorry the ferns weren't watered... heehee. Dont be mad ok?

Chinese homework is not good.... I think I did it wrongly... REWRITE!

Only thing I am looking forward to is watching Twilight with good company... that should be fun!

I think if I am free enough, I will go post some pics of my pet parrot today. Wait... how do you post pics??? If you know, please tag. Your detailed instructions are appreciated. :)

2:57 PM

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Its tuesday. Nearly half the week gone.

Feel so happy. Finish watching this Korean drama. It was awesome. Finished most of my work too!

Now only thing left is SS and FPSP. ahh.

Perhaps the holiday isn't so bad after all.

2:04 PM

Saturday, March 14, 2009

After countless games of golf, I have been led to one conclusion. Golf is NOT for me. What is with this fetish of hitting balls with steel sticks and then climbing mountains and hills just to find them and hit them again. This whole process gave me five new blisters. Hooray. not.

Homework. homework. homework. thats a lot. so many deadlines to meet. As Isabel rightly put it, "you die lah". I agree with that statement.

8:00 PM

Friday, March 13, 2009

I have mixed emotions about today.... so many things happened.
I am angry, disappointed, sad, apprehensive and happy all at the same time. Seems weird but its true.

Angry and disappointed at myself because of not studying harder for common tests. If I had done so I might have aced more tests and passed more tests. Especially Lit! argh! I feel like smacking myself upside down. Now my beautiful english score will be dragged down by this stupid mark. Bleugh. Smack. Smack.

Sad.... well duh because of my terrible marks but also because of other stuff. This "other stuff" is really sparking internal conflicts in me and trust me, I DO NOT need these conflicts.

Apprehensive yet happy. because I got into the PESA and thats further than what I got last year. But with the weight of expectations and my really-not-very-convenient-stage-fright hovering over my head I can't help but feel nervous. Argh. Somemore internal conflict. Just what I needed.

There are days where I feel really weary and worn out. Its like I have this feeling that I don't have anymore strength to go on anymore. Well, this is one of those days.

Haha. I just remembered something funny. The look on Isabel's face when she tore up the printout that bea and tanya did nicely for her. Heehee super funny! Ok energised. I shall start on my enormous mountain of homework.

o.0 mega mood swing. wtv.

2:52 PM

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fine. Since everyone is asking me how the speech went, I shall cut all suspense and tell you now. I went second cos I had to go off soon. I was so nervous, I was like a handphone on vibrate mode. Trembling uncontrollably. But once in the room I had a surge of confidence, "highness". Probably from sheer fear. Thank goodness, the teachers judging were just as supportive as last year, nodding and smiling at appropriate moments. I guess that enocouraged me A LOT! I didn't refer to the speech as much as I thought I would. Quite happy for a half day notice of a speech. Thank you to Yann Ting and Keisha for the constructive feedback you gave me. It was helpful! :) Thanks for luck, Beatrice. and eddie for staying back? And the biggest THANK YOU to god for comforting me when I was so jittery.

Ok told you already. Don't ask for more details. I did my best and if my best isn't good enough so be it. Its over. No good about worrying about it.
btw Nat, you owe me a deadline extension. :)

Thanks to everyone who tagged so far... makes my blog more alive.

7:57 PM

Monday, March 09, 2009

sigh.... today was not a good day again.... chinese and debate. I am tired of setbacks. I want some achievements.

8:22 PM

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Golf was terrible. Swimming was cancelled. Debate is having warping dates. I don't like today. Hmmph. It was..... HORRIBLE. :( Hopefully tomorrow is better day.

5:09 PM

Friday, March 06, 2009

Today was hilarious. Thanks to Isabel Chu AKA hot stuff. Isabel you really belong to Jackson house. The colour just suits you to the tee. :) Will not elaborate lest I get killed on Monday :)

Then there was Isabel pushing tanya off her seat causing the table to overturn and the bottle of paint water to drop. Just like dominos. Tanya and Isabel's expressions were amusing. :)

3:22 PM

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Exams are over! One down three to go. Its an exhilarating experience( ooh look alliteration!) But also signals the beginning of more hard work and slogging. :( I need to get some motivation! to get fired up! Then I can complete the checklist of life experiences.
1) Get into good secondary school (checked)
2) Excel in that school ( not working out so far...)
3) Score so brilliantly well I get a scholarship and go to Harvard/oxford/Yale to study. (probably won't check this off... sigh...)
4) Go to medicine school.
5) become an oncologist.
6)Discover a cure for cancer if there still is no cure
7) Lead a healthy and full life
8) Earn enough money to lead a comftable lifestyle.
9)Die peacefully and painfully.
I wonder how many I will be able to check off..... Maybe one... or two...
or worse still, horrors of horrors, none. That would be tragic.

Will be working hard soon,
Carol =)

7:01 PM

Monday, March 02, 2009

feels so funny... no one has discovered my blog yet :0
I think at the end of common tests I will open my blog up.
and censor all irrelavant blogposts by deleting them.

5:07 PM