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You may move the clouds around, or simply stare at the shocked apple.
Saturday, April 18, 2009

yesterday was a sweltering hot day. I was practically melting. Need to turn on the air con but mother nature's sake I can't. Talking about the enviroment, the env comp just went sour. I am not posting the results. But after the quiz, we had games. We played bowling with tennis balls. 0.o Eddie and I won a prize. Sadly Nat missed most of the pins and got no prize. After that we had blindman's buff. Nat and Eddie were sppose to guide me through the course but all they did was tell me to go straight. bleh spilt water on myself and bumped into tables and chairs. Advice to everyone: Dont let eddie or nat guide you through a course of obstacles unless you are not blindfolded. Bleh.

today is another hot hot hot hot hot hot day. I realise last min I haven't finsihed homework so I am ending this blogpost to go and do it now.

2:44 PM

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tday was superdeeduper fun. First we went on the 2.4km run where I miss an A by a few measly seconds. Sheesh. But it was a fun fun fun experience. After the run my cheeks were burning, my lungs were on fire. I resembled a red goldfish. With legs that were dead tired. But I felt happy and super high! Its such a wonderful feeling. :))))))

Then, we had chem where I almost got bored to death. But the happy endorphins saved the day! :) After that was maths where we had linear equations. Kind old soul Lorraine lent me her ruler grudgingly. Wasn't that wonderful? After that, sympathetic Mrs Hor listened to our sob story abt skipping recess and gave us 20 min of her period! So super nice of her. Of course with this new found time, I could a) study and prepare for geog comp or b) go down and have recess.

I chose b surprisingly. I was worried that I would get gastric pains, real bad ones if I didn't do that. So I chose an ice cream the nicest value for money type of food I could find in the canteen. It didnt taste nice at all. Buit it ended up being a blessing in disguise. Cos we wern't suppose to have anything to eat b4 life science experiment unless we wanted to examine food debris instead of proper DNA. So we extracted the DNA by gargling with this saline that tasted like french fries w/o the potato. :D Extracted sucessfully 1st time so was spared the distgusting process of swallowing my spit again. HEEHEE. After that LA where Keisha and Nat astounded the class with their profound knowledge of John Rowl's theory of justice. An example of how debate helps your studies. o.0 Three cheers for debate!

ISO was fun ISabel came back to us in the last 32 minutes of sch to do ISO with us. I then promptly abandoned them to play spider solitaire with chloe. HOwever I ,must credit The Khortingyan, Nell and Yann ting from tryingto abstain from games. Good effort on their part. Out of the three only one finely lost the battle with the computer. Despite her attempts to resist temptation, Nell still succumed to the super fun game, word challenge. Oh well, everyone has their weak moments. :))) Then went home and had tution. dreadfully boring hardly comes near it. This is the extreme end of boring. Like superbly boring. Boring till you can fall off your chair. Nevertheless, it was educational like all boring tutions are. Then got hooked on Boomshine. Argh. Its so nice. Need to go do my hw now. So I guess I will post at a more free part of my life. BB for now.

5:08 PM

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I hate one word in the entire english dictionary. Expectations. Argh. I hate it...... sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! They think I can perform miracles. But I can't! So I tell them to their face that I cannot live up to such high expectations. Then here comes the most cliche answer. You just have to believe in yourself Carol. Believe?!?!?! I am being realistic and they ask me to believe. Can you believe that? I hate that I can't live up to their expectations and I hate it that they don't understand that fact! Then when I don't live up to their expectations, they say Carol I am very disappointed in you. Argh. I already told them that I can't make it.

Butbutbut thats just my everyday ranting.... moving on to happier things.....

1) REALLY SORRY to my FPSP group. I didn't know you were at the lab.... anyway when I went home I did 16 solutions by myself and was about to submit it when I checked my mail. it then dawned on me that you had submitted it already. Sosososo I didn't send mine. I know I am still wrong and everything but in my defense I went home and did it too. Its just that 3brains are better than 1 so I was slower to send it off. But once again really really really sorry.

2) Yay! I convinced my parents to let me go on the ROC's trip. :))))))))))

3) Did my LA essay already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay... but its super short. So prob have to redo. See how first.

4) Going to watch bedtime stories today..... ::)))))))))))))))))) Keisha Ong IT IS NOT CHILDISH! Its a super nice movie.

2:03 PM