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You may move the clouds around, or simply stare at the shocked apple.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Today is the second day of my stay at Rasa Sentosa and so far I have managed to get an injured toe, injured foot and a terrible headache. Bleh. Now, my brothers are at the beach. I am left in the hotel room because I had a terrible stomachache just recently. But all in all, it was really fun. Earlier today, I went on the Sentosa luge. The chair lift really frightened me... it was so high up. Below us were cars, roads and the TRACK. I saw people zooming downhill. They looked like they were having fun until one toppled over. So when it was my turn ride the luge, I went at a snail's pace. Seriously. People with children in front of them overtook me. Primary school kids overtook me. Men old enough to be my grandfather... well you get the drift. But overall, it was fun.

Swimming water makes ope wounds sting so bad they bring tears to your eyes. Thats one hard truth abt life I learnt today.

I have been reading this book thats really good. Its called conversations with God. The writer explains common questions that we ask abt faith so clearly that it really has me stumped for words. Questions like, why doesn't God reveal himself to us in a way that no one would be able to refute? and What is the meaning of life? all these questions are explained through plain logic that leaves us with another question in mind. Why didn't we think of that? Its a wonderful book.For anyone who's open minded and wishes to have another interesting insight into commonly asked questions about religon, this is the book for you.

Bleh.....Dreading facing reality tomorrow..... I haven't finished most of my hw.

5:45 PM

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Hello people! Just got back from the botanic gardens... what an awesome trip!

Now, let me make ths clear. I am not fond of plants in fact I hate things that are stationary. It just makes things boring. However, this trip to the botanic gardens was just super fun!

I mean it... despite the terribly hot weather which makes sweat pour down your face, it was really cool.

Our tour guide was showing us how each flower has a dif way of attaching its pollen to the visiting insect. One flower has a antennae that triggers the pollen to shoot out attaching it to the insect. I was impressed...

Then of course we learnt many things abt orchids... I even saw the fruits of orchids. And alot of orchids named after VIPs. There was one flower that I particularly liked. It was appeared all white but upon closer inspection there were streaks of pink at the very ends. It reminded me that no person was ever one sided.. Even if a person's life seems perfect from the outside, there are problems hidden and only upon closer inspection do you find out that the perfect reality the person lives in is nothing but a facade but the hurt they feel inside is so real.

Ok enough emoing for one day... moving onto happier things... I am going to stay at Sentosa from mon to wed so fun! Three days of utter laziness await me! I cant wait to get started. BUt b4 that I really have to finish my HW I haven't done anything else besides the chinese hw and bio hw...

I dont know how to do Geog hw cos I lost the textbook so I guess I have to leave that one to the 1st day of sch. Heh.


1:35 PM

Friday, June 05, 2009

Long time no post! After one week of holidays I feel ready for school. Really ready. I think I was less busy during school term. Lets review.

Sunday: Went to the science centre to support Nathalie, Edwina and Chantal for their enviromental competition. They won second. :) However, the competition was so boring that I nearly fell asleep. What made it worse was that I wasn't even sitting with them. Bleh. Thank goodness for SMS-es! Bea was entertaining me the entire time... then of course my father smsed too. Replying smses are really a great way to pass time. It kept me going till prize presentation. :)

Monday: Went to NJC to take admission tests. It was gruelling but easier than before. I knew 80% more maths questions than in the other test. Met up with Keisha, Nell, Edwina and Lorraine. In between tests we had breaks.. thank goodness for these breaks. We had loads of fun then. While Nell and Keisha were in the toilet the rest of us took their bags and hid it away. We hung Keisha's crumpler on the railing and Nell's bag one floor lower, on a bench. It was pretty hilarious when Keisha and Nell both walked past their bags while trying to look for them.. Haha.
Then Lorraine kept claiming that she was feeling really hot. The thing is she was wearing a sweater! Haha had a good laugh over that. Eddie then decided to ask a really funny question. "Does my nose sweat?" True randomness.

Tuesday: Chinese Tuition: 9am - 11am
Debate training: 10am -6pm. A lovely 8 hour training session. Learning to like debate more and more as I attend these sessions. Sometimes though, in the afternoons I have this terrible urge to sleep. so I can't think that well let alone debate. Went to pizza hut for lunch and the bill came up to more than $50 atonishing but true.
Learning Lab: 5pm-7pm this was a really fun day. not.

Wednesday: Debate 10am-6pm. Ok same old same old. Lunch was at Kaps. It was cheaper. :) Then I went to my grandparents house. watched red thread with my grandma. rode a bike with my grandpa, talked to my granduncle abt "Silas Marner" and fried a fish without getting burnt with my aunt. Haha. I gave her eyepower most of the way. Then returned home and stayed up till 11 around there to do my chinese tuition homework.

Thursday: Chinese tuition: 9-11 after that rushed off to mg for debate training. only to find out that there was no debate training. haha. sorry keisha. 5-7 learning lab again this time met people from my catechism class some mg girl, I think she's the daughter of Mrs Ho, home econs teacher. I also met a 1.72metres tall girl. Needless to say, I felt really short.

Today: Its almost a week, and I am exhausted. However, going to do my research papers and finish up all my holiday homwork. right after this blogpost. after all, all work and no play makes Jack a very dull boy.

Hope all of you are enjoying your holidays! Have a blast!

8:37 AM