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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Longest time never post.
I was thinking and thinking and thinking. And I wondered how much money I would need before I could finally retire and spend the rest of the day by my bookshelf reading. So I calculated. And the amount surprised me. 10 million dollars at least before I can retire comftably!?!?!?!?! Where am I going to get a job like that????? And this 10 million dollars was living pretty frugally already. Dang. Wait a minute. on the average year I have to earn 500,000 a year. So that's 41700 dollars a month. Hmm. Attainable I guess. and not to mention the money that I have to use to support my family and pay the maid. Oh man. I think its better not to grow up from now on. We'll cross the bridge when we reach it.
Another thing. NAt's famous question. What's the meaning of life? I agree with her. The point of life in my opinion is to just study work retire play and die. What a happy life. As lorraine rightly put it, the meaning of life is to live. Its what happens after daeth thats interesting. Unfortunately I dont think I am in a position to discuss this as I have no background knowledge to discuss this. No one returned from the dead to tell me what it about. My granduncle said life is what you make of it. Pushing all the reponsibility of my life onto me. Shucks. Talk about unfair.
Still, there's hope. There's still God. I still don't understand him yet though. But it seems no one should ever judge the lord. So I am not judging. I am just going to trust him and hope for the best. And perhaps, find out a few answers for my queries about him. But that's it.
Ok, here's the truth. Weeks without debate has landed me with free time on my hands but it has also landed me with some serious worries of deproving in debate. Argh. Nat and Keisha are so pro. Must try harder. Imran says its all about how much you want. Man, I hate it when he says that. Give some constructive advice on how to improve then maybe I can improve. With the MGu14s coming the pressure's on. Its going to take all I have in me to improve and get up to scatch. Bleh. Oh the joy of debate. But I am ready for it. So all I have left to say is....
Bring it on!

5:48 PM