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Friday, September 11, 2009

Upon Keisha's request, I have come back to post again. The subject for this post will be exhilarating phenomenon that happened on the 5th sept 2009--- the MGU14s!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
So before I launch into this post proper, let's start out with some background information.
1) ALOT of effort went into this competition. From both participants as well as the debate clubbies. Anyone who contests this fact shall be referred to lorraine and ken for some punches. Heehee.
2) The competition layout consists of three prelimary rounds and one finals. In each prelim round there will be six debates going on concurrently. After the three rounds the best two teams with the highest overall scores goes to the finals.
3) There were two teams sent into this competition from MG. The main team and the swing team.
Ok, now that that entire issue is settled we'll go onto the details.
6.45 am everyone reports to school. Well at least the swing team does. We all wait eagerly for Nat to open up the coop so that we can snag some blazers from the prefects room.
Somewhere in between: Keisha turns up with a dilemma. Just exactly how to tie a tie? Isabel Chu comes to the rescue. :D
7.00 am the princess arrives only to find out the key is not in the prefects locker. Muahahaha. Ken then goes on to activate plan B--- pick the lock of the coop with the hairpin Keisha innocently provided. -.-"
7.15am Ken still trying to pick the lock. I have changed out from sch bazer to sch uniform and now make my way the stop Ken b4 she kicks the door down. :DDDDD
8.00am Prepped talked and the releasing of motions for the first round.
The swing team's opponent was SJI and they came late so we failed to find them 15 minutes into our 1 hour prep session-- to settle the motion. Cutting the long story short. Swing team lost 1st round and main team won 1st round. To dif teams, of course.
Lunch. NAsi Lemak. Which was a problem for Sanj as she was a vegetarian. Thank goodness she brought her own food. A prep talk from Imran to swing team. Quote" You guys have already fulfilled your quota of losing and sucking so the next round please win it." Such sympathetic words. Sniff.
Main team also got a prep talk. :D
Then, the second round came. We quickly cornered our opponents and settled the motion with them. We then went onto win the debate! Woohooooo. It was the only debate the swing team won that day. Haha! MAin team also won theirs.
third round. Swing team went against Hwach. and Main team went against RI. 0.o
Well, swing team lost and main team................................. WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray!!! :DDDDDDDDD So proud of the main team. Good job guys! You did the MG name proud.
So while the main team was busy prepping... the swing team rolled up their sleeves and went to sweat it out. I went to join Lorraine in her project, with charishma,of moving 15 chairs from one of the first floor classrooms to the second floor classrooms. At the end of it all, we were exhausted with all our tendons, muscles and even cartilages aching. Then, Lorraine whipped out a delicious pack of raisins. Verdict: Buy organic raisins when I go to NTUC later on in the week. They were very goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood. Food fit for angels. :)
ACSI gave their all, spouting examples of Saddam HUssein. So on and so forth.
And then MGS debaters spoke.
They wowed the judges. With their powerful examples and general knowledge. Stating examples from congo to zimbawe(sp? ) , see such unheard of countries so far flung that I don't even know how to spell.
Of course the reply speeches were awesome.
ACSI: Dictators are like scheming babies with a gun. Gun being their power. If you try to talk to him sensibly about giving the gun up, all you're going to do is make them cling tighter to the gun.
MGS(Keisha) : Okay, let's take the opposition's analogy. If you slap the baby to make him give up the gun, he is most likely going to pull the trigger and shoot you. However, if you give the baby some candy and talk to him nicely he is more likely to give up the gun for candy.
therefore, go with the candy and not the slap.

8:11 AM