Welcome to my blog!

You may move the clouds around, or simply stare at the shocked apple.
Friday, October 30, 2009

So happy things and sad things, emo things and not so emo things. A lot has been going on lately so I will try to be as accurate in my accounts.
Rocs 2:
Woohoo! The activities weren't that great but the people were!
Fireflies: Ms tham and her crocidiles. Nell trying to make a firefly attracted to her. Isabel Chu having an asthma attack.
Cave: The awesome cave layered with guano. The stalemites that didnt look at all like romeo and juliet. The jellyfishes and the smoking pregnant lady.
And other stuff.
got to eat dinner now.

5:48 PM

Sunday, October 25, 2009

These are just a few poems/ phrases/ quotes that I really like:
1) My candle burns at both ends, it will not last the night, but ah my foes and oh my friends, it gives a lovely light
2) The proof of the pudding is in the eating
3) God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, so go with the proposition(or was it opposition?)
4) It's a recession when your neighbour loses his job: it's a depression when you lose yours.
5) A real friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. (I thank God for giving ample supply of these friends)
6) If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm.
7)If you don't get everything you want, think of the things you don't get that you don't want.
Yup, that's all folks!
Argh. Its been a pretty wuliao weekend for me. So I decided to look into the subject combinations I may take in NJ next year. It was terrifying. They were blending every single subject to give a more holistic overview of all the subjects. And we aren't graded on just exams, but posters and website designs too! And for me, someone who is artistically challenged and has trouble drawing a stickman, things look pretty gloomy.
Still I have a few more days in MG, so though a sense of dread is growing steadily in my heart, I can still muster the strength to slow down its growth.
As I read on from the NJ website, I still cannot imagine life in a school not MG. I have grown pretty attached to it over the two years, if I may say so myself.
I feel I am being pushed forward to the bottomless pit, with nothing to fight back or to cling on. As each day passes more pressure steadily builds up and grow more desperate not to fall into that pit. But every plan and argument I come up with to escape from this place, is thwarted.
I am told to enjoy the last few days before I leave MG, but how to? with a ominous prophecy of the future, how do I, no how can I feel happy?
I need to read a book.

9:18 AM

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hey all.
I have decided not shut down my blog after all. Partly because I find it a good way to vent my frustrations and partly because I can't seem to remember the password to the class blog. Heh. What a bad memory I have.
But hopefully this bad memory of mine will turn from a bane to a boon as I embark on the journey of erasing horrible memories. Such as failing chinese by two marks-- these teachers simply can't pass us can they? or getting a B3 overall for lit. Bleh. Horrible!
But anyway moving onto happier things...
While everyone is stuck in a dilemma about the subjects they should take, I can just kick back and relax. Heh. At least for 2 more years, b4 I have to go serious and do things like prepare for "A"s. Oh, and and and ROCS 2 is only 3 more days away. Have to take a lot of photos. :) :o wait a second, my elusive memory has managed to present me with another memory --- nat and keisha aren't going. Oh man!
I give up on the positive thinking philosophy I have tried to adopt recently.

5:26 PM

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Well well well. Exams are over. And I am feeling blue. Ironic but true. Feel like I messed up all my exams. and the stress was really hitting me full time. But hey, I came out fine. I survived it. I live for another day. The only problem is how I am going to face the results next week and tell them to my parents.
Argh. debate again. and nothing is done. not even the case about thw mollycoddle iran. and the deadline's tmrw. Then there's the selection for meth cup and may oh etc etc. More pressure. I don't know how Nat and Keisha handle this. Probably sleeping at 3am helps work out the neurons, but its only 9.30 and my eyelids are drooping. Which reminds me tmrw are the selections. Expectations closing and bearing down on me. Even Lorraine's clean-the-house party backfired. because of toilets. Oh dear.
Trudging onwards there are two things that keep me sane.
1) ROCs
2) Something almost as good as ROCs
Ok, maybe school before results are given out.
Reminds me what I came here to blog about. I think I will close this blog down. It's pretty dead anyway.
OH just thought of a very happy thing.
Even though my feet and arms were aching, head throbbing(all because Lorraine threw a ball at my head) It was one of my more enjoyable times in life.
Yup, so I am going to end here.
Then finish up debate.
Then let life continue to run its course.

8:26 PM