Welcome to my blog!

You may move the clouds around, or simply stare at the shocked apple.
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Yo people,
Announcement: We won JGs round three. Someone raise the victory flag. :D I was just pleased we won. And it was mostly thanks to Aish. She went up onto the floor and slammed everyone down.
There were three bad things that occurred that night though...
1) We didn't make it to quarters. :( Never mind they'll be other competitions)
2) MG team went off to toa payoh to eat dinner w/o me. HMPH!
3) We made prop three cry. I still feel really bad about it. :(((((

OK so onto the awesome part of that night.
But firstly, I have attained enlightenment when it comes to high heels. HIGH HEELS ARE WEAPONS OF TORTURE.
It's true.
So dinner was the cool part.
We went out and tried flag a cab down, but failed remarkably. In the end we just settled on 7/11, where we bought chips and a drink and then had a picnic in the playground. Sadly, the dinner conversation was much less romantic. (Thank goodness NZ wasn't there.. it's not something both males and females can talk about on just an intellectual basis.) But we bonded over it. :D (Sharm, I will never forget how after putting the cap on, you filled the slurpee cup to the brim, with extra besides. Volcano!!!)

I guess the first thing that I felt when we won, was pure relief, cooling and refreshing. All those late night panics, freaking out and rushing homework in the morning paid off.

Oh yeah, before I forget.
THANK YOU SO MUCH SADHANA! We couldn't have done it w/o you!!!!

Imran has pimples. 0.o Random fun fact.

Bio homework cost me $7.50. Sheesh! Such a waste of money! And it looks really terrible.

Grades. Grades. Grades. Bother. Chinese and maths I did really badly. Shoots. Need to work harder esp on maths. Did not see it coming at all. But overall fine and dandy.

Haha, it was really gratifying to see one fifth of the top scorers for LA were all from MG. MG power!!!!

Catechism class though boring and irritating and perpetually running late, did give me one piece on encouragement that I really want to share with you all. "God never gives you more suffering that you can bear"
I like that alot.

I want to thank all my seniors for praying for me.

I want to thank my grandma who even though was ill snuck into church just to pray for me. I really want to thank them all.

I suddenly love the world more now.

Let's hear it for these rapid mood changes! Whoo!

7:54 PM

Monday, March 15, 2010

It is the third day of march hols. I wonder whether that's a good or bad thing.
Everything is moving continuously. Forever. Doors open. Doors shut. Doors open again. Doors shut again. You get my drift.
I feel I'm getting older. As in I'm no longer a kid anymore. This year I'm fifteen. In 10 years time I'll be 25. Time is moving on. I wonder how it'll be like in 10 years time? Who will I forget? Who will I remember? Who will I meet again. It's not like I don't want to be idealistic it's just that that's reality and nothing you can do about it.

Why am I so Emo recently??? I need to eat sugar. Sugar rush. Whee. Ok I'm better.

Did you know that Bubble tea gives you cancer? And I still drink it everyday in school. Oh well, the proof of the pudding has always been in the eating. I'm gonna monitor my health from now on.

Just recently, I've heard of this teenage blogger who blogs about fashion. Even fashion designers read her blog for advice on how to design their clothes. WOW, that goes to show how crazy the fashion world really is. Another reason why I don't follow it. Collared shirts rock!

Tuition in a few hours. Tmrw, debate training. Spar against a sch that doesn't like us. Too bad for them. I love love love the effects of being sugar high. Whee... Wnat to guess what I ate? Not telling. (Don't worry it's not drugs. I said sugar high remember?)

The newspapers have been really entertaining these days. And I have lost faith in all men. I have decided not to marry. Easier that way. Will save me loads of heart ache. All those women who stuck by their idiotic husbands should have just divorced the husbands. :D Of course there are the kids and there's love. Which is why you should have not gotten married in the first place.

That's enough. got to go Finish my tuition hw. Which starts in about 1 hours time. Shoots. Got to eat lunch too. Cya!

9:46 AM

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Yo guys!!!!
It's the second day of the march hols and I've decided with Keisha's encouragement to resurrect this blog.
So let's see.
This year, 2010, is the year I packed my bags and left beloved MG, instead choosing to pursue the IP route by going to NJ.
The first few weeks were terrible. I couldn't focus in school. I hated school pretty much. Everyday, I woke up to that shrill ring of the alarm clock yelling at me to get out of bed. All I did was take the batteries out of the alarm clock and go back to sleep. I was nearly late every morning. I was existing not living. (Yes, this sounds real emo... but it's true.)
The turning point came when I received my physics test back. A B!!!!! Argh. I can't stand that B. First few weeks in sch and I'm scoring Bs alr. Yikes. What fuelled the panic was recent release of the A level results. Everyone I knew from the IP program didn't do very well. I dont care what the newspapers reported. Those who took O levels did better for A levels as compared to the IP kids. Time to wake up.
So yup, I'm slowly inheriting the most common NJ diesease. The mugger syndrome.
Which reminds me I've got homework to do.
I'll come back to grumble later. :D

12:46 PM