Welcome to my blog!

You may move the clouds around, or simply stare at the shocked apple.
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Whoa.... been a long time since I last posted.
It's as if years has passed.
Well, let's review the ordeal.
Saturday: Felt a "slight" pain (pain is relative, the pain I feel now is the most painful. Always.) in the right side of my stomach so went to see my GP.GP said that I had early appendicitis and asked me to go to the hospital. So I went in. They had checks and finally I was operated on at 2/3 am. The operating table is cool. 0.o
Sunday: I wake up groggy and in pain. Darn. Pain in my hands(stupid drip, on both hands too!), my throat( they shoved some pipe down my throat to keep me breathing) and of course in my lower body. MOrphine....
Monday: Feeling slightly better. Didn't get to eat anything.
Tuesday: Finaally I get liquids. Learning to pee. and trying to walk without killing myself with pain.
Wednesday: FOOD. and discharged.
Thursday: Panic. BUt fine now. :D ok with some pain still... but hey I can type now.

10:59 AM

Friday, April 09, 2010

There's not much happening nowadays.. except for alarmingly huge load of hw that teachers decided to dump on us. BLEAH. And that I will only have the weekend to do it. BLEAH. Not to mention that the weekend is jammed packed with activities there's barely enough time to do my hw let alone study. BLEAH. BLEAH. BLEAGH.
6 projects!!!!!! All due in abt two weeks time!!!! What in the world were they thinking!?!?!?! But i guess I should be grateful that I'm not taking O levels. And here I am blogging away, wasting time. :D
Just for fun, I've come up with this list of what I really miss in MG. One trait per person. Or two.
1) Bea: Fun loving attitude. Pranks
2) Min min: Taking the train back together from some ulu ulu place.
3) Esther: Her easily angered-ness. Plus her r/s with isabel chu.
4) Lorraine: Hmm. Sarcarstic comments? and company.
5) Limin: Her "all-knowingness"
6) Isabel Chu: Her r/s with esther and jiefeng. Haha.
7) Gwen: Golden palms nail polish.
8) Keisha: Pikachuness. Company. Emoness. debating. maybe.
9) Ting Yan: Devotion to God.
10) Nat Koh: Hmm. The highness.
11) Yann ting: HEr IT savvyness and professional handling of math, science and the guitar.
13) Water bottle trips. Haha.
14) Sloo: The puffin
15) Nell: email.
16) Edwina: Tennis craziness
17) rebecca: Strangely enough, it's the way she says sorry.
18) Slim: The ducky. :D
19) Swong: Tennis and poems. Esp the poems.
20) Sherice: Her laughter
21) Shantelle: Her curry puff.
22) Rachel: Being the really really really reliable chairperson. Till today, I still owe it to her for making my life so easy as vice chair. THANKS!
23) Izzy: Her funkyness.
24) Tanya: Pranks. Being the first friend I ever made when I came to MG.
26) Alicia: Netball.
Shoots. Recess is over. GTG. Cya...

8:11 AM

Thursday, April 01, 2010

I've been contemplating changing my blogskin for a long time now. Something to reflect my mood (BLACK and gloom. Muahahaha). But I guess because of my multiple fails I shall not change it.. After all content is what makes the blog alive. Right? ...

nevermind, so what's today's post going to be abt?
Ah yes, good old April fool's day.
Prank one: We 03 went to 05's classroom, 05 went to 04's classroom and 04 went to 03's classroom.
Where it went wrong: The 05 teacher was a spoilsport. HMPH. Just asked us to get out with that ever so curt voice of hers. Man, if she doesnt like the antics of children why even be a teacher in the first place. (My grudge towards her has grown from the time she told me to keep quiet when I was ALR keeping quiet)
Prank two: Uhm. Culprits shall not be named. I got a sign pasted on my back. tsk. And from what I know, my blur sotong senses floundered for more than half an hour. And no one told me. Sigh. I looked like an idiot. As usual. But I guess it was in the spirit of the festivities, so I guess I'll just let live.
This reminds me of my new philosophy for life. To live and let live. Zen lifestlye. Ommm.
Back to reality, I went back to MG today. But it was a bad time to surprise them I guess. I am never going to do a surprise visit ever again. Expectations nose dived and did not stop after passing through the floor. Ok, exaggeration on my part, but I did feel that way.
Firstly, we arrived late. Met people going to little india with taiwan people. (Go Lorraine!!! Hope you enjoy yourself there. And if you're reading this, your hate is my love. Muacks!)
Secondly, meiling turned back even before we entered.
Thirdly, the people I wanted to see the most were down/had art class in the middle/were going home.
I just felt mighty out of place there. Something I never ever want to feel in MG again. I'm just gonna wipeout today's memories and remember it as I have always remembered it. One awesome school which gave me so many gifts of friendship, trust and faith. It helped mould me into what I am today. That's how I'll remember mg. Blank out today's events. Blank out.

What in the world in this inertia??? Why does nature have to be so complicated??? (PHYSICS AND ALL that chem shapes)

Going to seal all bad thoughts away, gonna trust that hope is coming it's way. :D
Rock on!

4:46 PM